
Some informations about our restaurant


On one of the most important days of your life we provide a full catering program.

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You can order a corporate full time or part time service for personnel/staff luches.

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Birthday Parties

We are completely capable of serving for big, open, small, adults, or kids festivals.

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Socials events are highly important to our clients, and we guarantee perfect service.

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Private Parties

A private dining room, or a penthouse catering is one of our many great services.

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Clients About Us

``Hamburger station - Thanks Kirsty and staff for catering my Nephew's 18th. Once again the food was superb with guests commenting on the chicken schnitzels and the freshness of the salads. Thanks to the left overs, we were covered for lunch and dinner the next day. It was such a relief for us not to have to worry about presenting and cooking dinner on the night, instead leaving us to relax and enjoy the company our guests.``
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Cold Lunch (minimum 15)
x $14.90
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